Remember the joongbo phil's project? the sending post cards thingy?
You saw mine right? hehe I posted it here...^^
Well, fellow joongboph made an MV showing all the postcards that was sent to our beloved couple..^^
I saw my post card here at 1:42. ^^
It's my first time actually to hear this song!
WAHHH!!! it's the song, where buin did her part back in WGM days! remember???
the 'baby c'mon' 'yeah' part? hehe shinlang taught her how to do that right? LOL!!!
I'm so gonna download this song.. RIGHT NOW!!! ^^
Nice! Sayang talaga ndi ko napicturan yung postcards ko. :(
hi duls,ate yollie here..
ive also seen a video of break away with buin's voice in it,tagal ko na napanod coz,like it din na isinama ng gumawa ng vid yung ginawa nya.. heres the link:
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