Saturday, October 16, 2010

Center Kyu Jong's message at DSP Site

As usual, our forever center always the one who talks to us fans often. Isn't he really sweet? That's why he's the center/heart of SS501 right?^^,
I wish 'em all the success in the world and to be on top! Fighting! I miss you Kyu Oppa! Stay sweet as you are! Say Hi to Saengie for me!!!

오랜만이네요 ^^ !   2010-10-16 오후 1:10:24

안녕!! 다들 잘지내세요..?^^

음.. 벌써 겨울이 오고있는 듯 하네요.. 감기 조심하세요..ㅜ

아유 감기 독하더라구요..!!

트위터라는 곳을 통해서 가끔 소식전하기는 하지만 공홈에서 글 남기는건 오랜만이네요~

그쵸?!^^ 멤버들 다들 지금 열심히 개인 스케줄 소화해내가며 열심히 시간보내시는거

아시죠?! 응원 많이 해주시구 많이많이 이뻐해주세요 ^^

기사 통해서 보셨겠지만 저랑 영생이형도 준비중이니까 기대많이해주시고 응원해주세요~

공부도많이하고 좋은 분들도 많이 만나며 그동안 달려온 시간을 다시 한번 되짚어보기도하며

즐거운 시간 보내고있습니다 ^^

우리 이쁜이들두 좋은 시간 보내고있을거라 믿어요 ^^!!!

이제 곧 25살 이네요.. 으악 현중이형이랑영생이형은 26이래요..!!

정말 시간 빠르다 그쵸?!^^ 빨리가는시간 우리 소중하게 보냅시다아아아~~

유후!!!! 다들 아프지말고 밥 잘챙기구.. 언제나 웃음가득한 하루 하루 보내길 바랄께요~

그럼 안녕안녕…히^^!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 *******************************ENGLISH TRANS***********************************
KyuJong, “It’s been a long time ^^!’ 2010-10-16 1:10:24 PM

Hi!! How is everyone..?^^
Hm..Seems like autumn is already here.. Please be careful not to catch a flu..T
Ayoo Flu virus is really strong..!!
Even though sometimes I conveyed news (about myself) through a place called twitter, but it’s been a long time since I left a message in official homepage~ Isn’t that right?!^^
Members are currently working hard for their individual schedules/work and you know that they are spending their time working dilligently right?! Please give them lots of support and treat them really really well ^^
Even though you might have seen it through news articles, Young Saeng hyung and I are in the midst of preparing, and so please look forward to it and support us~
I studied a lot and met a lot of nice people, also looking back once again at the time spent back then

I am having an enjoyable time ^^
I believe that our pretties are also spending a good time ^^!!!
Now I’ll be turning 25 years old soon.. Euaak HyunJoong hyung and Young Saeng hyung will be 26..!!
Time flies really fast isn’t it?!^^ Let’s spend the fast flying time preciously~~
Yoohoo!!!! Everyone don’t fall sick and eat well.. I hope that you will always spend each and every day filled with smiles~
Well then, bye bye…hee^^!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Credits: + (English Translation) xiaochu @

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